PICTURE clause

PICTURE clause specifies the characteristics of the variable while declaring it, e.g., variable type, length, etc.

Syntax -

 level-number variable-name 
				[PIC|PICTURE picture-symbol(variable-length)
				[VALUE literal]].
Note! All statements coded in [ ] are optional.

For example - Declaring a variable of alphabetic type to store a value HELLO.

 01 WS-VAR      PIC A(05) VALUE "HELLO".
  • level-number - Specifies the level number of the declaration from 01 to 49. From the example, it is 01.
  • variable-name - Specifies the name of the variable. From the example, it is WS-VAR.
  • PIC - PIC is a short form for PICTURE
  • picture-symbol (data-type-character) - Specifies the variable type. From the example, it is A (Alphabetic).
  • variable-length - Specifies the variable length to store the data. From the example, it is 05 (variable length is 5).
  • literal - Specifies the literal character string. From the example, it is HELLO.

Notes -

  • PICTURE clause should code with every elementary and individual variable to specify its type and length.
  • PICTURE clause not applicable to the below -
    • Index variables
    • RENAMES clause
    • Internal floating-point variables
    • 88-level number
    • COMP-1 and COMP-2 variables

PICTURE Symbol (Data type Character) -

  • PICTURE symbol is the letter used to specify the type of the variable during its declaration.
  • PICTURE symbols are two types -
    • PICTURE symbol for data types
    • PICTURE symbol for editing.

PICTURE symbol for data types -

This type specifies the PICTURE symbols assigned for each data type in COBOL. Those are -

Data Type PICTURE Symbol Declaration Meaning
Alphabetic A Alphabetic character or space. Represents alphabetic data type. For example -
Input PICTURE Clause Output
Numeric 9 Numeric character. Represents numeric data type. For example -
Input PICTURE Clause Output
123 PIC 9(5) 00123
000123 PIC 9(4) 0123
Alphanumeric X Alphanumeric character or space. Represents alphanumeric data type. For example -
Input PICTURE Clause Output
Assumed decimal point V Represents the decimal point. It is not counted in the size of the variable/variable. For example -
Input PICTURE Clause Output
123.45 PIC 999V99 12345
123.45 PIC 99V99 2345
Operational sign S Represents the Sign of the value. It is not counted in the size of the variable unless a SIGN clause with the SEPARATE CHARACTER phrase is specified. For example -
Input PICTURE Clause Output
-123 PIC S999 12L
+123 PIC S999 12C

PICTURE symbol for editing -

PICTURE symbol for editing is used to display the data in the user's desired format. These are classified into two types, and those are -

Insertion editing - It is a way to format the data in the numeric variables, for displaying in human-readable format.

Type Description PIC Symbols
Simple insertion Simple insertion editing involves inserting character(s) like blank, 0, /, and space in the PICTURE string while displaying for better readability.
Special insertion Special insertion editing is used to insert the decimal-point while displaying the decimal values of a variable.
. (Dot)
Fixed insertion Fixed insertion editing is used to insert fixed characters (-, +, CR, DB, and $) into a numeric edited item.
Floating insertion Floating insertion editing is used for formatting numeric variables, mainly when dealing with currency values.

ZERO suppression and replacement editing

Type Description PIC Symbols
Zero suppression and replacing with spaces Zero Suppression involves omitting leading zeros from a number, and replacement editing involves replacing leading zeros with a space.
Zero suppression and replacing with asterisks Zero Suppression involves omitting leading zeros from a number, and replacement editing involves replacing leading zeros with an asterisk (*).

Examples -

Below are the total PICTURE clause symbol list -

Symbol Declaration Meaning
B Space insertion character that represents numeric-edited and alphanumeric-edited character. For example -
Input PICTURE Clause Output
150682 PIC 99B99B99 15 06 82
15061982 PIC XXBXXBXXXX 15 06 1982
P Decimal scaling position but not counted in size of variable. For example -
Input PICTURE Clause Output
77 PIC 99P 77
77 PIC P99 77
Z Zero suppression character. For example -
Input PICTURE Clause Output
123 PIC ZZZZZ. 123
000123 PIC ZZZZZZ. 123
0 Zero insertion character. For example -
Input PICTURE Clause Output
1234 PIC 990099. 120034
1234 PIC 999900. 123400
/ Slash insertion character. For example -
Input PICTURE Clause Output
150682 PIC 99/99/99. 15/06/82
, Comma insertion character. For example -
Input PICTURE Clause Output
123456 PIC 999,999. 123,456
12345 PIC zzz,999. 12345
. Decimal point or period editing control character. For example -
Input PICTURE Clause Output
1234.56 PIC 9999.99. 1234.56
1234.56 PIC 999.99. 234.56
1234.56 PIC 9999.9. 1234.5
+ Plus sign insertion editing control character. For example -
Input PICTURE Clause Output
+12345 PIC +9(5). +12345
-123 PIC +9(3). -123
-123 PIC 9(3)+. 123-
- Minus sign editing control character. For example -
Input PICTURE Clause Output
-123 PIC -9(3). -123
+123 PIC +9(3). 123
-123 PIC 9(3)-. 123-
CR Credit editing control character. For example -
Input PICTURE Clause Output
+123 PIC 9(3)CR. 123
-123 PIC 9(3)CR. 123CR
DB Debit editing control character or Check protect insertion character.For example -
Input PICTURE Clause Output
+123 PIC 9(3)DB. 123
-123 PIC 9(3)DB. 123DB
$ Currency symbol insertion character. $ is the default. For example -
Input PICTURE Clause Output
000 PIC $,$$9.99. 0.00
90 PIC $$9.00. $90.00
12345 PIC $$,$$9. $2,345