EJECT Statement

The EJECT statement specifies the next source statement should print as the first statement of the next page. It is compiler-directive statement and does not affect the compilation and execution of the program. It can be written in either Area-A or Area-B.

Syntax -


Rules -

  • It should be coded as the only statement on the entire line.
  • It can be written in Area-A or Area-B and terminated with a separator period.

Examples -

Scenario1 - Coding EJECT statement in COBOL program.


           05 EMP-NUM             PIC 9(05).  
           05 EMP-NAME            PIC X(10).  
           05 EMP-DESG            PIC X(15).  
           05 EMP-SALARY          PIC 9(10). 

Code -

       01 EMP-REC.
          COPY EMPREC.
	   01 WS-VAR.
	      05 WS-INPUT1            PIC X(10).

Explaining Example -

  • The EJECT statement won't display in the program listing.
  • The EJECT statement skips the current page listing, and WS-VAR starts displaying as the next page's first line of the program listing.

Scenario2 - Two EJECT statements in the COBOL program.


           05 :EMP:-NUM            PIC 9(05).  
           05 :EMP:-NAME           PIC X(10).  
           05 :EMP:-DESG           PIC X(15).  
           05 :EMP:-SALARY         PIC 9(10). 

Code -

       01 EMP-INPUT-REC.
          COPY EMPREC REPLACING "==:EMP:==" BY  "==EMP-INPUT==".
       01 EMP-OUTPUT-REC.
          COPY EMPREC REPLACING "==:EMP:==" BY  "==EMP-OUTPUT==". 
	   01 WS-VAR.
	      05 WS-INPUT1            PIC X(10).

Explaining Example -

In the above example:

  • The EJECT statement won't display in the program listing.
  • The first EJECT statement skips the current page display and EMP-OUTPUT-REC, WS-VAR starts displaying as the next page's first line of the program listing.
  • The second EJECT statement skips the EMP-OUTPUT-REC current page listing, and WS-VAR starts displaying as the next page's first line of the program listing.