INNER JOIN will join the columns which satisfies the condition from the tables provided in JOIN. In other words, INNER JOIN combines the row from left table to right table for the matching column(s) rows.

Let us say, A and B table are joining. A has the matching row for a specific value in matching columns and B also should have the row with the matching value. Then only the row will appear in result table.

Let us say, A and B table are joining. A has the matching row for a specific value in matching columns. But B has no row with the matching value. Then the row will be dropped in the result table. INNER JOIN also called as EQUI JOIN.

Syntax -

SELECT Table1-column-names,
  FROM table1-name INNER JOIN table2-name
    ON joining-column(s)
 WHERE search-condition(s)

In the above case, it will retrieve all matched rows from table-1 and table-2.