OUTREC: lookup and change

OUTREC statement can be used to lookup and change the content in the file while sorting.

Syntax1 -

OUTREC FIELDS=(Starting position of field1, Length of field1, 
Starting position of field1Specifies field1 starting position in the input file after sorting.
Length of feild1Field1 physical length in input file.
VSpecifies the length of the output field
FindTable consisting pairs of find constants
SetSet constants or set fields
  • NOMATCH can be used to change if no match found with any of the constants in the table.
  • NOMATCH=(set) to set the output value when an input field value does not match any of the find constants.

Syntax2 -

NOMATCH=(C'string') sets a character string constant. 
NOMATCH=(X'string') sets a hexadecimal string constant.
NOMATCH=(q,n) sets an input field value.
Note! If do notspecify NOMATCH=(set), DFSORT terminates with an error message when aninput field value does not match any of the find constants.

Example -

Scenario - Replace the "dept" with "department".

Input File - MTHUSER.SORT.INPUT01 - FB file of 80 length

********************************* Top of Data **********************************
00001     student1           dept           560       01012015                  
00003     student3           dept           520       03032015                  
00004     student4           dept           540       06022015                  
00005     student5           dept           500       09202015                  
00002     student2           dept           510       05182015                  
******************************** Bottom of Data ********************************


***************************** Top of Data ******************************
//* SORT FOR OUTREC STATEMENT                                           
//STEP01   EXEC PGM=SORT                                                
//SORTOUT  DD SYSOUT=*                                                  
//SYSOUT   DD SYSOUT=*                                                  
//SYSIN    DD *                                                         
     SORT FIELDS=(1,5,CH,A)                                             
     OUTREC FIELDS=(1,29,30,4,CHANGE=(12,C'dept',C'department'),        
**************************** Bottom of Data ****************************

Output -

********************************* TOP OF DATA **********************************
00001     student1           department       560       01012015                
00002     student2           department       510       05182015                
00003     student3           department       520       03032015                
00004     student4           department       540       06022015                
00005     student5           department       500       09202015                
******************************** BOTTOM OF DATA ********************************

Explaining Example -

  1. OUTREC FIELDS=(1,29,..) - Copies the first 29 bytes of data from input file to output as it is.
  2. OUTREC FIELDS=(..,30,4,CHANGE=(12,C'dept',C'department'),..) - The "dept" text starting from 30th byte of length 4 in the input file should replace with "department" of length 12 while writing it to output file.
  3. OUTREC FIELDS=(..,5X,..) - add 5 spaces from 40th byte.
  4. OUTREC FIELDS=(..,45,30) - copies the input file data from 45th byte of length 30 as it is to output starts at 45th byte.