Task Mapping with Command (for Experienced)

Functional Commands Mapping

Task Command
Add a password to a new VSAM file or catalog DEFINE
Add a password to an existing VSAM file or catalog ALTER
Attach a user catalog to the master catalog DEFINE, IMPORT
Backup all VSAM objects. BACKUP
Build an alternate index. BLDINDEX
Cancel a job or job step. CANCEL
Catalog a VSAM file. DEFINE
Catalog a nonVSAM file. DEFINE
Change a file's description in the catalog. ALTER
Change the device type of the volume on which the catalog resides. REPRO
Change a password. ALTER
Connect a user catalog to a master catalog IMPORT
Convert a SAM or ISAM file to VSAM format. REPRO
Convert a VSAM file to sequential format. REPRO
Copy a file. REPRO
Create an alternate index. DEFINE, BLDINDEX
Create a backup copy of a catalog. REPRO
Create a backup copy of a VSAM file. REPRO, EXPORT
Create a catalog. DEFINE
Create a catalog entry for a nonVSAM file. DEFINE
Create a data space. DEFINE
Create a nonVSAM file. DEFINE
Create a path. DEFINE
Create a VSAM file. DEFINE
Delete an alternate index. DELETE
Delete a catalog. DELETE
Delete a data space. DELETE
Delete a nonVSAM file. DELETE
Delete a password. ALTER
Delete a path. DELETE
Delete a VSAM file. DELETE
Disconnect a user catalog from the master catalog EXPORT
List a password. LISTCAT
List a file. PRINT
List a file's catalog entry. LISTCAT
List contents of the catalog. LISTCAT
Load records into a file. REPRO
Load a catalog from an unloaded copy. REPRO
Modify a file's description in the catalog. ALTER
Move a catalog to another system. EXPORT, IMPORT
Move a file to another system. EXPORT, IMPORT
Print a file PRINT
Recover from loss of data due to improper closing of a file. VERIFY
Recreate a VSAM file from a back up copy. IMPORT
Map a VSAM cluster to a relational structure, and later maintain the associated map or view. RECMAP
Release a user catalog from the master catalog. EXPORT
Reload a catalog from a sequential file. REPRO
Reorganize a file. REPRO
Rename a file. ALTER
Restore all VSAM objects. RESTORE
Copy one or more ESS volumes. SNAP
Terminate the relation that was established when creating the snapshot. SNAP
Uncatalog a file. DELETE
Unload a file. REPRO
Unload a catalog to a sequential file. REPRO
Verify end-of-file. VERIFY

Modal Commands Mapping

Task Command
Change flow of control. IF–THEN–ELSE
Control command execution. IF–THEN–ELSE
Set/reset condition codes. SET
Specify diagnosis tools. PARM
Specify printed output. PARM
Specify processing options. PARM
Specify syntax checking. PARM